National Taekwondo guidelines


All students are to be at classes 5 mins or so before each class starts, please also ensure that each student has their own water bottle and they are fully dressed and have gone to the toilet prior to attending. (note no jewellery is to be worn)


Each student is required to bow in and bow out of the gym/dojang when they enter and leave, they are also required to bow to their Instructor when presenting their training cards.


Children are required to either sit down and stretch or do their pattern upon arrival and before class starts.. there is to be NO running around.


Discipline in the class is evolving as the group grows larger, students are not allowed to talk among themselves , sky lark or talk back to Instructors during the class unless invited, if they do so they are given a set of push ups, if they persist they are given more push ups, then one set of sit ups and then they are sat out for the rest of the class. If any further disciplinary action is required the parent will be notified prior.


A child who is repeatedly disciplined during training will have the stamp for that session erased by black texter, effectively reducing their eligibility for the next grading and allowing the parent to see that their child is not meeting the standards required.


Each student is required to be able to tie their own belt, this takes time and will need input other than from the Instructors, have a look at this clip to learn how to tie a belt on your child:

The Next clip shows how to tie your own belt, children must learn to tie their own belts by Purple Belt:


Photographs at training: parents are not allowed to take pictures or record during training/gradings as permission has not been given by the other parents/students, please note, from time to time pictures for use on our website and to promote the club will be taken by authorised personnel.


Parents in the training room during class: parents are not permitted to remain in the class/ hall during training, (exemption new parents first 2 nights) as it distracts the children and the instructor.