Self Control
Self Defence
Self Respect


As a student in this program, your child will quickly develop higher levels of concentration and self-control. They will become better listeners at home and at school. They will improve their focus, co-ordination and fitness.


All our martial art classes are designed to improve your mental and physical abilities. Challenge your skills in an encouraging atmosphere and our experienced Instructors will help you along the way to achieve your goals.


Sharing activities with your kids, parental and siblings isn’t just a fun way to get your heart going. It’s a great bonding experience that brings you closer together.

The family that kicks together, sticks together.


Shape the mind and body with Martial Arts & Self Defence Classes in South East Brisbane



Self Control




So “Why do parents send their children to martial arts”?

If a child struggles with concentration, social awareness, shyness, loneliness, or depression, martial arts is often recommended by physicians for instilling discipline. While martial arts do provide discipline, it’s important to note that it’s a gradual process, built on trust between the instructor and the child.

Confidence is developed through incremental improvements in fitness and coordination via repetitive exercises and team drills. Self-confidence in handling situations grows as students advance in ability and attitude. Collaboration with schools and parents is essential to establish a unified approach for dealing with bullying and confrontation.

Every parent has unique goals for their child in martial arts, emphasizing the need to protect against physical abuse. It’s crucial to align expectations between instructors and parents to ensure the child’s success.


It is a great question and one that every budding Martial Artist Parent should ask BEFORE their child’s journey begins.

The truth is there is no one best Martial Art that fits all children.

Here are some things to consider.

  1. What are you hoping to achieve by your child doing Martial Arts?
  2. Are you after discipline training, better focus, manners, fitness etc or are you after more of a physical harder line training method focused on fighting techniques?
  3. Are you/your child more interested in winning trophies and scoring points than a traditional approach to Martial Arts, both are good but understand they are different!
  4. Are there any limitations to your child’s ability, some martial arts require more strength, determination/co-ordination, and aggression than others, you need to be comfortable that your child can thrive in their new environment?

Do your homework, go and look at some training sessions and styles and see what is on offer, when you see and hear the things that resonate with what you are looking for, you will know you have found the right place.

No, you’re not too old to take up Martial Arts

Are you over 30..40…50? feeling tired, stiff, sore, unmotivated and more than a little annoyed that those extra kilos that you put on when you hit 30 something seem to have settled in nicely for the duration.

Some people think that you have to be super fit and super slim etc to do martial arts…. Incorrect, there is a style of martial arts that can suit any person at any time in their life, plenty to choose from. 

Taking up something like Traditional Taekwondo that is built around self-defence and non-contact can be for anyone at any age, go at your own pace, compete only with yourself and do the stretches gently and improve week by week, slowly the motivation and energy levels will build and yes some of that weight will go!

If some of this resonates with you and you live in or near the Redlands Area of Brisbane and you would like to train, get fit  AND learn how to defend yourself in an environment with other mature students & a mature instructor then use the tools available on this site to contact me and lets talk about getting you on the path to flexibility and a better healthier lifestyle.


Junior Classes – Ages 5 to 11 years

As a student in this program, your child will quickly develop higher levels of concentration and self-control. They will become better listeners at home and at school. They will improve their focus, co-ordination and fitness.

The school age is critical for a child’s development. Make sure your child is getting every possible advantage by enrolling them in our school program today. Our children’s program will help you develop their:

  • Coordination
  • Confidence
  • Self Control
  • Concentration
  • Fitness
  • ​Balance

Allow your children to do a martial art that is a lot of fun and extremely beneficial to their development.

Adults Classes – Ages 12 and over

At national taekwondo we teach you practical self-defence skills and techniques that can help you avoid harmful situations and equip you with the necessary self-defence skills should the need arise.

Embedded in a classic teaching approach and proven curriculum to taekwondo that includes regular grading and testing by Master Instructor 7th dan George England, you too can become a black belt and exponent of this amazing martial art.

All our martial art classes are designed to improve your mental and physical abilities. Challenge your skills in an encouraging atmosphere and our experienced Instructors will help you along the way to achieve your goals.

Middle Age Martial Arts (MAMA)

Our goal is to share our journey and offer advice to those in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond who are either rediscovering or taking up Martial Arts. Over the past 5 years, Chief Instructor Jeremy understands the pain of getting back into fitness and exercise after too many years away and has transformed over the last five years from an overweight and inflexible Mr Average to a 3rd Dan Chief Instructor, and it wasn’t always smooth sailing.

While Chief Instructor Jeremy had the advantage of some muscle memory from his earlier years in Taekwondo, having achieved a 1st Dan in two forms of Taekwondo by the age of 27, tackling it at 58+ years presented new challenges. He firmly believes that Taekwondo is suitable for all ages, even beyond 70, as our Instructor General, who is in his 70s, can outperform many 30-year-olds. However, it’s essential to approach it sensibly because, let’s face it, “we’re not as young as we once were.”

Chief Instructor Jeremy hopes you find value in the forthcoming tips and techniques and embrace Middle Aged Martial Arts (MAMA) Training to enhance your flexibility and enjoy a healthier and more active later life. Martial Arts is the ideal path to achieve this. Go for it!


Trying to keep a group of under 8-year-olds focused can be as challenging as herding cats. Parents often enroll their children in martial arts schools to instill discipline. These children aren’t “naughty”; they struggle with basic tasks like sitting still, being quiet, and listening. Martial arts programs for kids offer a methodical approach to changing behavior by setting and gradually increasing standards. Peer pressure eventually leads them to perform as a group.

While it involves some tears and time-outs, it’s essential to choose battles wisely to avoid discouraging participation. Chief Instructor Jeremy teaches to witness improvements in children’s behavior, attitude, and confidence. This transformation sets the stage for academic success. He learned as an RAAF Recruit Training Instructor that the energy used for misbehavior can be redirected towards becoming the best and brightest students.